Friends of the Children Foundation donate funds for gaymer hypothermia device

Without our great volunteers, generous supporters and keen sponsors who collected, contributed and donated $55,555.90 to Friends of the children Foundation, we wouldn’t be able to report on such fantastic news! The money received by the Friends of the Children Foundation was transferred to the Royal Children Hospital through the Good Friday Appeal (2012) for the purchase of these “Gaymer… Continue reading Friends of the Children Foundation donate funds for gaymer hypothermia device

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A message from our founder, Shashi Kochhar. A recap on the first quarter of 2013

After a very hectic few months, I have had some time to reflect on the activities completed this year and will share with your some learning’s that I have discovered along the way. The first event this year was “Australia Day BBQ” at Brick Makers Park on 26th January 2013.  The BBQ, provided a fantastic avenue to meet  new people. I also… Continue reading A message from our founder, Shashi Kochhar. A recap on the first quarter of 2013

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Producing real results for the Monash Children Hospital

In 2012, Friends of the Children Foundation donated  $8,250.00 to Monash Children’s Hospital in Clayton for the purchase of a bilirubinometer of which they were in desperate need for. Bilirubinometer’s are devices for measuring the bilirubin (Jaundice) level on babies non-invasively (without a blood test). Jaundice is a common condition in newborn babies, occuring in approximately 60% of… Continue reading Producing real results for the Monash Children Hospital

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A monthly update: Recap on February’s fundraising activities!

We can’t believe we are now in March, what a busy month we have had, with not one but two major events for the Friends of the Children Foundation! Through the generous support of our local community, volunteers, committee members, family, friends and work colleagues we have been able to raise $12,000 to the Monash… Continue reading A monthly update: Recap on February’s fundraising activities!

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Our Preferred Charities

The Friends of the Children Foundation is a community minded foundation dedicated  to helping the next generation grow up healthy and happy our preferred charities include: The Royal Children’s Hospital Disability Sport and Recreation Services Monash Children’s Hospital In addition to the above, we also donate funds to other worthy causes whenever a need arises.… Continue reading Our Preferred Charities

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Bunnings Notting Hill sausage sizzle fundraising! Help support Monash Children’s Hospital.

The Friends of the Children Foundation will be undertaking fundraising activities at Bunnings Warehouse Notting Hill in 2014. Dates will be released soon! We understand that time and money is precious, but any assistance you can offer us in raising funds for the Monash Children’s Hospital and The Royal Children’s Hospital will be greatly appreciated.… Continue reading Bunnings Notting Hill sausage sizzle fundraising! Help support Monash Children’s Hospital.

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