[Event] Clean Up Australia Day (13th March)

FOTCF invites you Clean Up Australia Day Activity around Clayton Railway Station on Sunday, 13th March between 10:30 am – 2:30 pm. Be a part of Clean up Australia Day activity and help keep Australia clean and beautiful. Littering is an antisocial behavior; let’s bring a stop to it. Let’s demonstrate positive behavior – this… Continue reading [Event] Clean Up Australia Day (13th March)

[Update] “Clean up the world Day” operation

The 2015 “Clean up the world day” on 19th September became our best clean up day of many years activity because of the Monash Youth Group involvement and then asking general public about the reasons for this increasing “Rubbish” in our neighbourhoods, parklands, beaches and other public places in spite of more education, advertising and… Continue reading [Update] “Clean up the world Day” operation

[Event] Clean up the World

The Clean up the World event weekend is September 19-20. On Saturday 19th, our group will be doing the Clean up around Clayton Railway Station between the hours of 10.00am till 2.00pm. Anyone willing to join the group should meet in front of Clayton Railway Station near the Taxi Ramp on Cornish Road Clayton at 10.00am… Continue reading [Event] Clean up the World